What to do if a Crown Falls Off

Ideally, crowns are meant to be a permanent solution, but occasionally, dental crowns do come off. If you find yourself in a situation where your dental crown has fallen off, your next steps are very important. Taking care and following dentist instructions will save you from worry and stress.

Save the Crown

First, don’t panic. Losing a crown doesn’t mean you’ll lose the tooth. Remember, the crown is simply a kind of prosthetic, and it can likely be put back in place by your dentist. If you happen to be eating at the time and bite down on the crown that’s come off, immediately take action to save the crown. This may mean spitting out the food in your mouth into a napkin. Whatever you do, don’t swallow, as you could accidentally swallow the crown along with the food.

Clean the Crown

Place the crown in a clean glass of water, either distilled or at least purified. Even better, place it in water inside a jar, where you can close the lid to avoid having it spill.

Inspect the Damage

Next, see if you can view the tooth. Crowns are often in the back of the mouth, so you or your family member may need to use a flashlight to see if there’s bleeding. If there is, pack the tooth with some first aid gauze. Don’t use cotton, as this will leave cotton fiber in the cavity, which will complicate the restoration.

If you have associated pain, consider taking an over-the-counter painkiller such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Only do this if your primary care physician has approved you for over-the-counter meds. Avoid aspirin, as this thins the blood and may increase bleeding.

Contact Your Dentist

Contact your dentist as soon as possible and let them know what happened. Chances are, your dentist in Grand Island, NE, will make room in their appointment book to have you come in the same day. If it’s not deemed to be an emergency, ask what you should do while you await your appointment date.

Having a crown fall off can be shocking, but it doesn’t mean your natural tooth is going to come out next. A dental crown in Grand Island, NE, can be put back in place in most cases. Contact us today to learn more.

What will happen if I have a crack in my tooth?

A crack in your tooth enamel can be a serious problem. It may look like a small issue, but a crack can cause pain and even infection. If you have a crack in your tooth enamel, or if you suspect you have a cracked tooth, it’s important to see the dentist in Grand Island, NE. Your dentist can diagnose the problem and suggest solutions.

How Can You Tell If You Have a Crack In Your Tooth?

Depending on where it is and how big it is, you may be able to see the crack in your tooth enamel. If you can see a crack in your tooth, this is a clear sign that you should go to the dentist as soon as possible. Even if you can’t see a crack in your tooth, you may still feel it. Here are some of the symptoms you may notice:

  • Intermittent toothache
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Pain when biting down

What Will Happen If Your Tooth Becomes Cracked?

If you have a cracked tooth, you can experience a variety of problems. Some examples:

  • Pain. A cracked tooth can be painful.
  • Infection. Bacteria can enter your tooth through the crack in the enamel, leading to infection.
  • Breakage. If your tooth is placed under stress, it coulud break along the crack, leading to a chip in your teeth.

What Can Cause a Cracked Tooth?

Biting down on hard food items like popcorn kernels can crack your tooth enamel, but there are many other things that can cause cracks in your teeth. Some people crack their teeth by using their teeth as scissors to open packaging. If you chew on ice, this can also cause a cracked tooth.

Age can cause your teeth to become weaker, so some people just crack their teeth more easily when they get older. If you fall or have an injury, you could potentially crack one or more of your teeth. Finally, if you grind your teeth at night, you could crack your teeth or even wear them down.

Some of these things are avoidable. If you have a habit of chewing on ice, for example, you can help protect your teeth by sucking instead of chewing on it.

What Should Do If You Have a Crack In Your Tooth?

Do you think you have a crack in your tooth enamel? Get help from a dentist you can trust. Contact Gentle Dental Care to make an appointment for a dental examination in Grand Island, NE.