3 Cosmetic Dentistry Techniques to Brighten Your Smile

Dissatisfaction with your smile can lead to various problems, including low self-confidence and reluctance to smile at people in your day-to-day life. It’s important to feel good about the way your teeth look.

Fortunately, dental science has developed numerous innovative ways to address cosmetic dental problems, like stains on the enamel and misshapen teeth. As yourdentist in Grand Island, NE, we offer cosmetic dentistry techniques that will brighten your smile.

1. Tooth Whitening

While there are many at-home methods for whitening teeth, professionalteeth whitening from the dentist in Grand Island, NE, is a comparatively effective, efficient way to turn your teeth several shades whiter. At-home methods for tooth whitening can be problematic because they can take a long time to work, and sometimes, people whitening their own teeth will over-whiten the enamel.

Your dentist at Gentle Dental Care will use professional equipment to turn your teeth whiter without over-whitening safely. Do you have a big event coming up? Are you feeling self-conscious about the stains on your teeth? Talk to us about teeth whitening.

2. Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are similar to dental bonding, but veneers are a permanent solution. Veneers are made of porcelain and applied to the front of the teeth.

To make room for veneers, your dentist will shave down the tooth enamel on the tooth where the veneer is being applied. Once this has been done, your dental veneer will be a permanent part of your mouth. If something ever happens to your veneer, like it becomes cracked or broken, your dentist will need to replace it.

3. Tooth Contouring

Tooth contouring is a procedure that your dentist will use to change the shape of your teeth. Contouring can be combined with dental bonding to change the volume, length, width, size, and shape of your teeth. If you’re unhappy with this aspect of how your teeth look, talk to your dentist about dental contouring and how it can help you.

Have questions about cosmetic dentistry? Think one of our cosmetic dentistry procedures is right for you? Call Gentle Dental Care today to make an appointment.

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